Wednesday 4 October 2017

The 3 Common Myths That Surround Wall Rendering

There are a lot of myths as far as wall rendering is concerned. One of them says that wall rendering stops buildings from being able to breathe. It is true that homes do need some outlet for the moisture to be able to escape. This is especially true if you are living in a system built or solid wall property as such. However, there are rendering materials out there in the market that will allow your house to breathe. You need to keep this in mind when you are looking for materials to render your wall with. Examples of such materials would be mineral and silicone renders.

Commonly held misconceptions

One of the most common misconceptions or myths about house rendering Brisbane is that it can be a fire hazard of sorts. All the materials that are manufactured and sold for these purposes happen to be fire proof. This actually happens to be the basic condition for their making and selling. It is also said that such insulation can be damaging for your health. These products are mostly sold in solid blocks and do not contain any fibre that may harm your health, contrary to what many would like you believe.

Myth 1 - Wall rendering can lead to moulds

It is also said by many that wall rendering can lead to moulds. Actually, it is just the other way round. Moulds only happen when walls are damp. It happens when moist and warm air gets condensed on cold walls that are so because they are damp. With rendering, also referred to as external wall insulation, the temperatures of your walls are increased and this brings down the difference in temperatures of the outer wall and the inner wall. This also negates the chance of condensation on your walls.

Myth 2 - A living roof is capable of insulation as well

Even if you have planted flowers and grasses on your roof as well as on your walls you can be sure that it will not have much effect at all as far as heat transfer through the aforementioned solid surfaces is concerned. This is where commercial rendering in Brisbane can play such an important role. These living roofs can help you deal with issues of air pollution especially if you are living in an area that happens to be densely populated. The best however that they can do is keeping the walls cool during the summer season since the façade never receives direct sunlight as such.

Myth 3 - Wall rendering can lead to wastage of energy

One commonly held belief is that you need more energy to make external wall insulation (EWI) than what it is able to save while it stays on your walls, thus leading to wastage of energy in a way. Experts say that nothing can be farther from truth. It is true that in some cases while making products like XPS, wall renders that have a chemical base, a significant amount of energy is needed. However, the amount of energy you are able to save thanks to them makes them truly worth the investment that you make for them.

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